
Avon League Admin

West Midlands The Warwickshire
Sunday 7th August 2022
Andrew Buchanan 
West Midlands Golf Club
& Allan Mitchell 
West Midlands Golf Club
Won 4 & 3 & Lee Forty 
The Warwickshire Golf & Country Club
Kevin Breslin 
West Midlands Golf Club
& Mark Frost 
West Midlands Golf Club
Won 2 & 1 Ray O'Brien 
The Warwickshire Golf & Country Club
& Robert Kent 
The Warwickshire Golf & Country Club
Steve Johnson 
West Midlands Golf Club
& Franco Ziccardi 
West Midlands Golf Club
Halved Will Leaver 
The Warwickshire Golf & Country Club
& Sam Williamson 
The Warwickshire Golf & Country Club
Phil Ward 
West Midlands Golf Club
& Victor Szulz 
West Midlands Golf Club
Won 2 Holes Dan Birks 
The Warwickshire Golf & Country Club
& James Street 
The Warwickshire Golf & Country Club
Clyde Carey 
West Midlands Golf Club
& Ben Chadwick 
West Midlands Golf Club
Won 4 & 2 James Fuller 
The Warwickshire Golf & Country Club
& Paul Lee 
The Warwickshire Golf & Country Club
Sunny Kanwal 
West Midlands Golf Club
& Stuart Behan-Mason 
West Midlands Golf Club
Halved Glenn Harrison 
The Warwickshire Golf & Country Club
& Tom Dunkley 
The Warwickshire Golf & Country Club
Fourballs Total 3 3

Played in the right spirit as always. Good lads.

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