
Avon League Admin

North Warwickshire Statistics

Unbeaten Streak | Winning Streak | Most Appearances | Highest Ratio | Player of the League

8Andy Carwardine (North Warwickshire Golf Club)
6John Hosie (North Warwickshire Golf Club)
6Steve Law (North Warwickshire Golf Club)
6Robert Bayliss (North Warwickshire Golf Club)
5Dean Marsh (North Warwickshire Golf Club)
5David Thornton (North Warwickshire Golf Club)
5Michael Bradley (North Warwickshire Golf Club)
4Rob Eardley (North Warwickshire Golf Club)
3James Finnegan (North Warwickshire Golf Club)
3Keith Evans (North Warwickshire Golf Club)
3Barry Cheetham (North Warwickshire Golf Club)
3Gary Caventer (North Warwickshire Golf Club)
3Malcolm Bromley (North Warwickshire Golf Club)
2Kevin McGuckin (North Warwickshire Golf Club)
2Michael Jeffs (North Warwickshire Golf Club)
2Paul Akerman (North Warwickshire Golf Club)
2Adam Law (North Warwickshire Golf Club)
2Graham Mather (North Warwickshire Golf Club)
2Arun Jogi (North Warwickshire Golf Club)

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